
1. An Assembly station with robot, FESTO-SYS ROBOT, MITSUBISHI RV-M1, 5axis articulated arm, speed 1 m/s.

2. an automated distribution station mounted on a profile plate that can be combined with other pilot station with STEP7 PLC S7-314

3. Spectrum Analyzer (150 kHz-1Ghz)

4. dual power supply stabilized triple digital output

5.20 MHz function generator

6.100Khz RF generator

7. digital oscilloscope

8. two digital table multimeter with interface

9. digital integrated circuit Tester

10. linear integrated circuit Tester

11. Logic Analyzer

12. PID controller Simulator

13. amplitude modulation transmitter KIT

14. amplitude modulation receiver KIT

15. frequency modulation transmitter KIT

16. frequency modulation receiver KIT

17. FDM transmitter/receiver KIT

18. the "SIGNAL processing" base Pack under FABULA

18. complete package "study of a single phase and three phase inverter"

19. complete "digital transmission study" package